Our in-person meetings are held every Sunday from 6:30 to 8p at First Parish Church (425 Congress Street). Entry is through the Parish Hall door, located to the right of the main entrance.
If there is inclement weather, the decision to cancel or move to Zoom will be made by 4p on the day of the meeting. The website will be updated to reflect these changes. For Zoom meetings, contact us for the link.
Sangha Potlucks
We hold potluck dinners several times a year, usually starting at 5pm before one of our Sunday sangha gatherings.
Our next potluck will be held on Sunday, March 16 in celebration of Peaceful Harbor Sangha’s 11th anniversary.
Potluck details are shared via the Peaceful Harbor Sangha Google group email. To sign up for the Google group, contact us.
Quarterly Sangha Care Meetings
Sangha Care meetings are held as opportunities to ask questions or raise issues about any and all aspects of the Sangha. These could include the spending of Sangha donations, the various roles members can take within the Sangha, the Sangha format, or interpersonal issues that may need addressing by our Care-Taking Council. Sangha Care meetings are open to all members of the Sangha. Attendance is not mandatory, but encouraged. Our Sangha Care meetings are held quarterly and decisions are based on consensual decision-making. (If you’d like more information on the ins-and-outs of consensus decision-making, check out this handout from Seeds for Change.) Sangha Care meetings are often scheduled in coordination with the potluck dinners.
Plum Village
Plum Village offers a variety of information and resources, as well as online and in-person retreats worldwide. Click here to access their Retreats page.